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2019 Color Refresh


One of our favorite things about winter in the midwest is the feeling of a “refresh”, whether in nature, a new year’s resolution, or simply shaking off the excess baggage from the previous year. Following our midwestern roots, it is time for a long overdue color refresh at JB Cutting! The following is a list of 3DL (thermofoil) colors we will be slowly retiring from our stock program in order to make room for new and exciting 3DL colors. Going forward, these color swatches will no longer be present in our stock 3DL color sample fan decks.

Satin White 3DLSundown 3DLStarry NightAmerican Natural 3DLClassic Maple 3DLWilson Cherry 3DLSummer Flame 3DLBourbon Cherry 3DLWild Cherry 3DLPort Maple 3DLMahogany Impression 3DLShaker Cherry 3DLGinger Root 3DLCocoa Bean 3DLChalbi Clay 3DLBeachwood 3DLBoardwalk 3DLClassic Chocolate 3DLLatitude EastDriftwood 3DLLatitude South 3DLLatitude West 3DLSpring Blossom 3DLFibers Cashmere 3DLLaguna Pebble 3DLIvory High Gloss 3DL

Although we are making room for new colors, we do have availability of the colors listed.  If there is a special project you are working on that includes one of these colors, or you are trying to match a previously installed job, please give our Customer Service Specialists a call or email and they will let you know if we have enough left in stock.

Customer Service:


As always, if you have any additional questions, please contact us, we are more than happy to help!!

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