JB Cutting recently added two colors to our Craftsman Series 5 piece door line Craftsman Series: Vintage and Chill. The Craftsman Series is continually expanding. Uniboard’s H72 Ginger Root and H73 Cocoa Bean will be available in February.
H72 Ginger Root H73 Cocoa Bean
Wondering how you’re going to keep track of these new additions and what we were already offering? We’ve updated our website to include a convenient chart where you can easily see what we stock, which profiles are available and whether or not there is a 3DL (thermofoil) match. This chart is located on the “order” page of our website. There you’ll find the link: Craftsman Series Color Options which will take you to the chart below.
Craftsman Series Colors and Profiles AvailableIf you’d like to see samples or require clarification on any colors or profiles please contact our office via email or phone 586.468.4765.