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With a Little Help from Our Friends


Nobody’s perfect.  However, JB Cutting would like to get as close as possible!  We’ve always had a mind-set of continuous improvement but implementing change is difficult.  Henry Ford said it best, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

In the interest of making production run more smoothly and sales soar while increasing employee engagement and satisfaction, we’ve been working with John Lankford, a Certified Business Advisor at Premier Executive Forums.

John Lankford

Business consultants sometimes get a bum rap, with the perception being they charge a ton of money for a bunch of PowerPoint slides that end up gathering dust in the annals of your server.  If the recommendations of the consultant are put into play, employees argue that these are not “real world” solutions and rebel against the changes.  The opposite is true of John; his emphasis is leadership, planning, process and accountability which help to ensure total company alignment.  His philosophy is that successful organizations do not consistently execute at a high level without alignment; success must start with great leadership. Since organizations are always a reflection of their leadership, much of his attention is given to the assessment and strategic development of leaders at all levels.

Key areas that JBC is focused on improving in the first six months are:

  • Developing Talent – Recruiting and hiring candidates, coming up with an onboarding process that works and getting the right person in the right seat. In addition, we are coaching our key employees to reach their individual and team goals.
  • Process – Creating detailed processes for each department, written out and referenceable.
  • Growth – Strategically growing sales to rise to the top of our industry by working smarter, not harder.

Should you hire a business consultant?  If you’d like to open up a dialogue about our experience, please email Debra Behring  If you’d like to speak directly with John, please connect with him on LinkedIn, or email him directly:  We’ll keep you posted on our progress through the usual social media channels!

Business Consultant

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