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Flavors of the French Riviera: Nizza & Equinox


uniboard nizza

Need a break from the winter weather?  Take a journey with us to the deep blue waters of the Cote d’Azur for a look at the inspiration behind our two new colors, Nizza & Equinox.  Both colors match recent Uniboard releases.  According to Uniboard, Nizza is the Italian pronunciation of the town of Nice on the French Riviera.  Nizza mimics the silvery crests of the waves breaking on the beach at dawn and dusk.

K13 Nizza

K13 Nizza

Currently, Nizza is available in our 5 Piece door collection, the Craftsman Series in the 4459 Shaker style.

K13 Nizza

Photo credit: Closet America

Another new addition to our Craftsman lineup is Equinox, a match to Uniboard’s K32 of the same name.  Equinox is defined as either of the two times each year when the sun appears overhead at the equator, and day and night is of equal length.  This color is very balanced and full of the warmth of the sun shining on the French Riviera beaches.

K32 Equinox

K32 Equinox

Equinox is also available in the Craftsman 4459 Shaker Style.

From Uniboard:

“The sophisticated design includes translucent hues that are offset by subtle matte negative pores that make our new colors unique and distinctive.”

 If you’d like to see these colors, or any of the other 5 Piece or 3DL colors that JB Cutting offers, please contact us via phone (586.468.4765) or email  We’ll be happy to send you samples.

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