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A Letter from our President, Debra Behring



Happy New Year!

JB Cutting has started the year off with what weather forecasters are calling the “Snowmageddon of 2014.”  Most areas of Michigan and the Midwest have been hit with about 14” of snow and dangerously low temperatures.  Many normal everyday services have been completely shut down.

Not JB Cutting!  We strive to be available via phone or email to assist our customers.  A live person will answer the phone from about 6am through 6pm EST every weekday.  Many companies are trying to cut costs and save time by going to an automated system.  Customer service is always top of mind here at JB Cutting.  We continually strive to educate employees about our customers’ needs and concerns.  How do we achieve this?  We communicate A LOT.  We discuss, send emails, text, use white boards … anything we can do to keep our employees in the loop.

What else is JB Cutting doing to improve in the upcoming year?  First and foremost, we have started the process of renovating our offices.  This improvement has been needed for awhile but was always given the back burner due to necessary shop renovations and equipment purchases.  We’ll be sure to keep you tuned in on the progress and hope for an October completion date.

Another wish list item for 2014 is a new edge bander.  Technology is continuously advancing and we want to ensure we stay in step with the latest and greatest machinery.  We have started the research process and will continue to attend seminars and the International Woodworking Fair (IWF) in Atlanta (August 20-23).  We have our sights set on a hot air or laser-type system that will hide the glue line most commonly associated with edge banded doors.

Besides in-house renovations and continuous improvement, I’ll be hitting the streets as I did last year.  My travels start out in Chicago this month and Wisconsin in February.  I hope to get some warm weather and sunshine in March when I attend Global Shop in Las Vegas.  April will get a little crazy as I attend the Stiles Executive Briefing Conference in Denver and then head to New Jersey to exhibit and present at the 2014 Cabinets and Closets Expo.  No downtime for this traveling fool!  There will be many customer visits throughout the summer and fall.  Wow, I’d better get cracking.  2014 already looks like a busy year!

I hope your 2014 is filled with many sales, new friendships and prosperity!

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