JB Cutting is pleased to announce that we have expanded the maximum size of our Craftsman Series 5 Piece doors! The largest door you can now order is 36” x 96” (previously 30” x 72”). Go ahead and create that spectacular design featuring long doors. Supersize it!
On the topic of large, all-encompassing design, check out this recent post by Denise Butchko in regards to big closets and big budgets. She details how to give a simple estimate so your client remains realistic about their budget.
She’s also hosting a special “live” session entitled “Boutique Inspired Closet Design” on Tuesday, April 9th. Who doesn’t want to go shopping in their own closet? She’ll be chatting about how to discuss a budget for a large scale project before putting in long hours of design only to have your client reject with sticker shock! Follow the link below to claim your spot.