It’s that time of year again! We’re breaking out our crystal balls and looking into what colors/trends will be all the rage in 2016. Experts in the color industry are calling for calm pastels and soft neutrals to bring a breath of fresh air and tranquility to your designs for 2016. The global color authority, Pantone, has released not one, but a blend of two colors for colors of the year 2016. From the Pantone website:
“Joined together Rose Quartz and Serenity demonstrate an inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace,” said Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute. “Appealing in all finishes, matte, metallic and glossy, the engaging combo joins easily with other mid-tones including greens and purples, rich browns and all shades of yellow and pink.”
Another expert in the color industry, paint giant Sherwin Williams is also calling for a resurgence in soft neutrals – specifically off-white. Often, plain white feels too stark and cold, but a creamy white can become the “negative space” in between paint strokes of serene pastels.
Rose Quartz translates to our product lines through woodgrains with pink undertones such as:
Serenity translates to our product lines through woodgrains with blue undertones such as:
If you’re looking for soft, off-white neutrals, several colors come to mind: Antique White, Harmony, Soft Ivory or Almond Matte. These creamy neutrals would blend well with a pallet of pastels or even with stronger colors like some of our complex solids. All of our available colors and product lines are easily viewed at our website on our ordering page.
Another trend slated to gain momentum in 2016 is the exact match TFL door. Customers like the ability to have their doors made out of the same material as their components, ensuring a cohesive match throughout their design. JB Cutting has branched out into a line of exact match TFL doors. We’ll be bringing these to market in 2016 as our Artisan Series. We’ll continue to expand and grow this line throughout 2016.
We’d love to hear what you think will be trending for 2016. What are your predictions? What’s on the horizon for your company? Please let us know through any of the social networks available.