Have you heard about the Closet and Storage Summit in Savannah, Georgia? If you are an independent closet company this event will help you increase your closing ratio, reduce your travel time, reduce your design time, help you with lead qualification and enhance your overall customer presentation. We’ll be there displaying our new products as a Bronze Ambassador. The Summit runs from the evening of Wednesday, October 21st through Friday, October 22nd and takes place at the Coastal Georgia Center and the Desoto Hilton. An itinerary is below:
Wednesday, October 21st
6-8pm – Meet & greet at the Desoto Hilton Pulaski Room
Thursday, October 22nd
7:30-9am – Networking breakfast at the Coastal Georgia Center
9-12:30pm – General sessions, restricted sessions, round tables & Ambassador table-top displays
12:30-1:30pm – Networking lunch
1:30-5:30pm – General sessions, restricted sessions, round tables, & Ambassador table-top displays
7:00-9:30pm – Networking dinner at the historic Savannah Station
9:30-? – Networking continues on River Street
Friday, October 23rd
7:30-8:30am – Networking breakfast at the Desoto Hilton Ballroom
8:30-11:30am – General sessions, discussion of the future of the home storage industry and future summits, & Ambassador new products presentation
11:30-Noon – Transport to Closet & Cabinets Experts shop & showroom tour
Noon-1pm – Networking lunch
1:00-4:30pm – Shop & showroom tour, Ambassador Demonstrations, Closet Olympics, workshops
4:30-6:00pm – Networking Beer Summit
6:00pm – Networking & dining on your own
The Closet Summit is the only two day comprehensive closet conference exclusively for independents. The Summit will introduce you to some exciting new products, services and techniques that will help you grow your closet company to the next level!
To apply for admittance, please contact Jeff & Ann Klein, They’re organizing the event and are opening up their business for the manufacturing and showroom tour. It’s an opportunity not to be missed! Hope to see you there…