Happy New Year!
Where did 2014 go? As you grow older, days and months seem to go by so quickly. I’ve come to realize that time doesn’t change as you age; you get busier and time seems to move more rapidly.
JB Cutting had a very busy year and I’ve heard the same from many others. As I look back on the previous Letter from the President, I’m slightly disappointed. The goals I mentioned didn’t get achieved. They were definitely top of mind, however the day to day just got in the way. I assure you my disappointment is short-lived. As I think back through 2014, I’m full of pride as to what we’ve accomplished as a company.
I didn’t travel to see as many customers as I had hoped this past year, but I feel good about the new partnerships we’ve forged and the strengthening of many existing relationships. No, we haven’t renovated the offices yet, but we’ve signed a contract with a design firm and hope to have a final design by February. We didn’t buy that state of the art hot air or laser edgebander but we did buy another nested base machining center. While we may not have accomplished our original goals, We did achieve many great things that will help JB Cutting grow and expand.
What’s on the horizon for 2015? We’ve increased our Five Piece door line, the Craftsman Series, and added new Complex Solids and High Gloss options to the Benchmark Collection. We are building our team by adding new people and strengthening our processes to better serve customers and fortify partnerships. As 2015 progresses, we may look at expanding our current footprint.
Although I’d like to wish more hours in the day and days in the week, that’s not reality! Roll with what each day brings, don’t be disappointed and keep reaching for your goals. Remember: It’s ok if goals change as your business changes!
“The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.”
Ayn Rand
Wishing you health, happiness and prosperity,
Debra Behring