Cabinets and Closets Conference and Expo 2014 Recap
Due to unforeseen flight delays, we were late getting into Newark last Wednesday for the Cabinets and Closets Conference and Expo, 2014. The expo center was closed by the time we arrived, so we headed over to the Hotel Somerset Bridgewater for the awards reception.
A big congrats to all the winners!
After enjoying some networking, we met up with Don from Louisiana Custom Closets for dinner.
The next morning, we quickly set up our booth before the expo started at 10 am. In case you missed us, here is a picture of our booth. We think the new colors and styles were a big hit!
Our 3DL (thermofoil) products were also featured in a few other booths including Plus Closets, Closet City and Uniboard.
After lunch, our CEO Debra Behring gave a design presentation at the “Deep Dive in Design,” a dedicated day of education in closet design. The presentation was entitled “When It Comes to Closet Design Options, It’s No Longer Black and White.” It was thrilling to be able to meet with a select group of designers and see how excited they were about all of the new colors and textures available in 3DL (thermofoil).
The expo was full of energy and we met quite a few new friends, along with reconnecting with old ones. After a long day of meeting and greeting, we tried to make our way to Eastern Millwork for the plant tour, but took a wrong exit, got lost and decided to head back to our hotel before we got too lost!
Friday morning we headed over to the expo to walk around and explore before the exhibits opened. Before we knew it, the doors were open and guests were flowing through again. We experienced lots of traffic and friendly smiles everywhere. Around 3pm, after an action-packed few days, it was time to quickly break down our booth and head out to the airport to make our flight back home.
Hopefully this gives you a little taste of what the CCCE is like from a vendor standpoint. We have already signed up for next year’s conference in Schaumburg, IL. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for April 14-16, 2015. The conference will be right after the Stiles EBC. Hope to see you next year!